20 November 2014

Hola, today in class please complete the following to practice your vocabulary. These can be done in any order :


  1. Vocab flashcards, matching etc.  
  2. challenge board 1 player ONLY
  3. Battleship    
  4. Practice exam 
  5. Vocab Video 

If you think you have studied enough, you may go to  Duolingo. 


3rd period, fiesta postponed until after break!   


19 November 2014

Hola, hoy es miércoles y hoy hicimos:

1. Para empezar 13 el 19 de noviembre de 2014

Contesten en frases completas en español

a. ¿Te gusta nadar en el verano?

b. ¿Te gusta ir de compras con tu papá?

c. A mí me gusta mucho bailar en el baño, ¿y a ti?

2. Discuss verbal assessment for tomorrow:

These permission/parent consent forms were done at the beginning of the year.

Possible verbal questions:
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?

2. ¿Cuál es la fecha?

3. ¿Cómo estás?

4. ¿Qué día es hoy?

5. ¿Qué día fue ayer? ¿Qué día será mañana?

6. ¿Qué tiempo hace?

8. ¿Cuántos años tienes?

9. ¿De qué color es … (picture)?

10. ¿Qué te duele (picture)?

11. ¿De dónde eres?

7. ¿Qué hora es (photo)?

*Answer questions in a complete sentence in Spanish. You grade will be based on your use of Spanish--correctness of answer, pronunciation, and fluency. Do not answer any questions in English.

We will be using this site: ANVILL National Virtual Language Lab

Feel free to sign-up for an account at home and check out the site.

3. Vocab practice with dry erase boards


If you have a Duolingo account, you might want to share your screen name on Edmodo with your classmates so everyone can  compete on the LeaderBoards!!  Mine is "srtaminguela"

TAREA: study new vocab--quiz on Friday
Prepare for tomorrow's verbal assessment

17 November 2014

Hola, hoy es lunes y hoy hicimos:

1. Para empezar 12 el 17 de noviembre de 2014

Contesten en frases completas:
a. ¿Qué te gusta más, ir a la escuela o hacer la tarea?
b. A mí no me gusta nada montar en monopatín, ¿y a ti?
c. A mí me gustan mucho las papas fritas, ¿y a ti?

2. question/answer(s) cut and paste activity 

Tarea:  study new vocab!  Quiz el viernes
Chapter 1A practice links:

Practice exam 

Vocab Video 

Computer lab on Thursday for verbal testing  

Señor Wooly - ¿Puedo ir al baño?

14 November 2014

Hola, hoy es viernes y hoy hicimos:

1. Para empezar 11 el 14 de noviembre de 2014

Escribe en español:

a. I like to run. 

b. I don’t like to do my 
homework for (para) Spanish class.
c. I like to go to Big Lots with Mr. Whitten on Sundays.

2.  Return and  go over exam 2

Chapter 1A practice links:

13 November 2014

Hola, hoy es jueves y hoy hicimos:

1.¿Sabes tú? 22  jueves, el 13 de noviembre de 2014
Spanish speakers smile a lot more and make a lot less eye contact when speaking to another person. This makes English speakers think that Spanish speakers are not serious and not to be trusted. It makes Spanish speakers think that English speakers are cold and threatening. Also, in Spanish-speaking cultures, it is considered rude to throw anything at another person. In English-speaking cultures, it is common to toss small objects like pencils or candy.

2. Finish apuntes and workbook review

3. Vocab activity - add to notebook  (see me for a copy)

12 November 2014

Hola, hoy es miércoles y hoy hicimos:

1. ¿Sabes tú? 21    miércoles, el 12  de noviembre de 2014
  Social relations are somewhat more formal in Spanish-speaking countries. New acquaintances often greet each other with a handshake. Friends however may greet each other with a hug or a kiss on the cheek. In Spain, friends may greet each other with a light kiss on both cheeks. Latin Americans kiss on only one cheek. When men greet each other, they often shake hands, pat each other on the back or hug.

2.  Stamp and go over workbook Core Practice pages 1-12 on stamp sheet (yes, if you are absent you must come to me to get credit for the completed work upon your return to school)

3. Verbal practice with new vocabulary

Chapter 1A practice links

11 November 2014

Hola, hoy es martes y hoy hicimos:

  1. ¿Sabes tú? 20   el 11  de noviembre de 2014

                   Travelers in the Spanish-speaking world need to understand the 24 hour clock. If you saw these departure times on a train schedule, at what time would the trains be leaving?  (be sure to include A.M./P.M. in your answer)

Modelo: 17:23  = 5:23 a las cinco y veintitrés de la tarde

a. 21:12

b. 14:45  

c.  23:00   

here is a photo to help understand a  24 clock
Here is an example of a movie schedule in a theater in Madrid with movie times listed in the 24 hour format

  1.  Complete apuntes 13-- chapter 1A 


10 November 2014

Hola, hoy es lunes y hoy hicimos:

1. ¿Sabes tú? 19  lunes, el 10 de noviembre de 2014
La hora Latina  means “Latin time” and refers to Spanish-speakers conception of time.  In Spanish-speaking countries people are expected to arrive a little late for a party or social event—usually about 30-60 minutes later than they are told to come. At school, on the job, and for appointments however, people are expected to be on time. 

2. Apuntes 13 -- chapter 1A-- we will finish and post these tomorrow 

TAREA:  study new vocab

07 November 2014

Hola, hoy es viernes y hoy hicimos:

1. Exam- Part 2 of Para Empezar Chapter

2. Begin Apuntes on chapter 1A

06 November 2014

Hola, hoy es jueves y hoy hicimos:

 1. Sabes tu 

¿Sabes tú? 18   el 6 de noviembre de 2014
(Preliminary Chapter)
P: Los Maya were among the early civilizations in the Western Hemisphere to develop a form of writing with symbols. The Mayas used about 700 symbols or glyphs. A glyph is a picture or a symbol used to represent a sound, a word, an idea, or perhaps a syllable. What was this type of writing called?
R: hieroglyphics – jeroglíficos mayas

2. Weather quiz returned-- some people had do quiz corrections to do for grades 73 or lower--turn-in at the end of class

3. Complete workbook pages and/or study for tomorrow's exam

Workbook: (due Friday)

 *Core practice: pages 1-12 (everyone)

* Guided Practice: If your grade is below and 85, complete Guided practice in the workbook pages 1-24. If your grade is an 85 or above, complete only any 8 of pages 1-24 

Study/Practice links:

months, the date, and seasons:




Unit exam on Friday

The exam on Friday will focus on the the second half of the content we half covered this year, which will include the apuntes (class notes) over

- the body

- clothing and colors

- the weather

- the seasons, months and the date

- pronunciation rules
- gender of nouns
- making words plural
- telling time  
and cultural topics

05 November 2014

Hola, hoy es miércoles y hoy hicimos

1. Checked and stamped práctica 11

2. Complete the Venn Diagram Halloween vs. Día de los muertos

-also complete this sentence:

Día de los muertos is …

3. Workbook Core practice p 1-12 (due Friday)

If your grade is below and 85, complete Guided practice in the

Workbook pages 1-24. If your grade is an 85 or above, complete

only any 8 of pages 1-24

4. Preview chapter 1A (vocab on table) 

"La hora" Study session tomorrow at 8:30ish

Unit exam on Friday

The exam on Friday will focus on the the second half of the content we half covered this year, which will include the apuntes (class notes) over

- the body
- clothing and colors
- the weather
- the seasons, months and the date
- pronunciation rules
- gender of nouns
- making words plural
- telling time  

and cultural topics 

Clase verde-- FIESTA mañana   =)